What self-management isn’t
Self-management is NOT about cutting you loose to figure stuff out by yourself. Self-management is about working in partnership with your healthcare team, family, friends and work colleagues.
I have had long term health conditions most of my life. I’m 69 as I write this and over the years, in one way or another I have had to adapt and manage them. The long-term health condition I got stuck on was pain and I lost 7yrs of my life to it. I needed some extra help and in 1996 I got myself on a pain management programme in London, called INPUT. The programme gave me the life-long skills, tools and most importantly the confidence to get back on track. Since 1997, I’ve not had to take any pain medication.
The Toolkit isn’t supposed to be the last word in self-management, but just to get you started. Self-management is all about taking action, getting you back in the driving seat and on with your life, in spite of your conditions.
Is self-managing a long-term health condition easy? Well it’s like most things, you have to work at it. I’m not an academic guy, but if I can do it, then I know others can as well.
Here is a short video I speak about my pain journey and recovery.
There is digital copy of the Self-Management Toolkit here.
Future up-and-coming Pain and SelfMgt Toolkit events for 2023